“Gara and the energy that surrounds us”

GARA y la energía que nos rodea_FECYT_IREC

During 2021 and 2022, IREC designed and developed “Gara y la energía que nos rodea” (Gara and the energy that surrounds us)- an exhibition project of innovative scientific dissemination. It is a tool aimed at non-specialized public that improves the general scientific-technical education of society through a relevant topic, energy sustainability, in order to show current energy solutions thanks to the work carried out by the different lines of research of the IREC.

During the second edition, called “Gara y la energía que nos rodea 3.0” (2022-2023) the activities focused on the adaptation of the exhibition to the digital format. Several innovative tools were developed, including: two breakout-type online educational modules (for primary and secondary education) accompanied by an escape game, a didactic unit for teachers as a resource before and after the visit, a total of five downloadable infographics about this area (with audio reading) and a virtual visit to the exhibition itself.

Designed by IREC with the collaboration of the Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT), “Gara y la energía que nos rodea 3.0” is an educational outreach project directed to young people and students to promote scientific vocations. It aims at providing knowledge on the generation, storage, distribution and consumption of energy from the energy transition point of view.

The third edition, called “GARA OpenLAB” (2024-2025). In this edition we seek to complete the development of content and citizen participation will be encouraged through the creation of 4 suitcases intended for loan to interested centers, which contain fundamentally practical and dynamic experiments that use the game as a learning tool. Thanks to the suitcases, the participants will be able to relate and analyze concepts such as energy efficiency, thermal comfort and air quality in the school’s classrooms. The idea is that they are able to measure some key indicators (ambient temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration) and generate measures that combine thermal comfort and energy efficiency using the information provided by our center’s research. These suitcases are completed with 3 user manuals intended for teachers: one for secondary education, another for primary education and another for special education with didactic units specially adapted to each educational level. You will find information about the new edition on the following URL.

The target audience is primary and secondary school students, as well as students from rural centers. In addition, it continues to bet on inclusion by paying attention to students with special needs.

Teaching materials and videos

You can find dissemination material of Gara specially designed for high school teachers (ESO & Batxillerat), related to generation, storage, distribution and consumption of energy, and different activities related to teaching energy at schools. Follow this link.

The information regarding the suitcases and didactic units created within GARA OpenLAB can be found in the following link.

Exhibition itineracy

You can find a summary of the locations where Gara has been (or will be) exhibited throughout the Catalan territory. All the details can be found in our event’s webpage (click here).

In 2023:

Olius_LLeida Itinerància GARA IREC FECYT
CONCACTIVA Montblanc Itinerància Gara IREC FECYT
Centre Cívic Joan Oliver Pere Quart Itinerància GARA IREC FECYT
Centre cultural La Violeta de Gràcia Itinerància GARA IREC FECYT

In 2022:

Centre Cívic Joan Oliver Pere Quart Itinerància GARA IREC FECYT
Centre cultural La Violeta de Gràcia Itinerància GARA IREC FECYT
CONCACTIVA Montblanc Itinerància Gara IREC FECYT
1) Biblioteca Jordi Rubió i Balaguer (Sant Boi de Llobregat)
Sala d'exposicions del Centre Cultural Sant Josep (l'Hospitalet)
CAMP- Centre de les Arts i la Memòria de Ponent - Lleida
Casal Lapallavacara- Sala Reguereta – Lleida
Gara Kikiriciencia Zaragoza

Satisfaction survey

We are interested to hear your opinion about the exhibition. Did you like it? Do you think we can improve on something?

Please let us know! You can find the survey in the following link.

The project is in collaboration with FECYT (Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología)- Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades under the 2020 and 2021 calls “Convocatoria de ayudas para el Fomento de la Cultura Científica, Tecnológica y de la Innovación