

…Rodríguez-González, E., Seuret-Jiménez, D., Jiménez-Olarte, D. Study of CBD-CdS/CZTGSe solar cells using different Cd sources: behavior of devices as a MIS structure (2017) Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics…

Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis


…at pilot plan level considering different sources of the required feedstock’s.  Complementary work is being performed using thermoconversion processes based on the use of plasmas and new catalysts. Our research

Teaching Units


…to download) (click icon to download) In Spanish: (click icon to download) (click icon to download) (click icon to download) (click icon to download) (click icon to download) Audio guide…



…Smart Lab offers the following services: Grid code validation Pre-certification testing and proof of concept development and experimental testing Grid integration testing for generation/storage/load units, immunity to grid disturbances validation,…

Final results and reflections from COBRA project


Over four years of intensive research and development, the COBRA consortium has achieved significant advancements in Li-ion battery technology, eliminating cobalt and enhancing all key components of the battery system.  The project…

Submit your paper to Materials-by April 2021


…Guest Editors The study of electrode materials for Solid Oxide Cell devices is constantly bringing new progress to the field. Detailed studies of the mechanisms of the historical state-of-the-art materials