M2E SGR 2017-2019


SGR includes two IREC research groups: https://www.irec.cat/research/group/energy-storage-harvesting-and-catalysis/ https://www.irec.cat/research/group/functional-nanomaterials/…

Get in touch with IREC


…datos no se ajusta a la normativa, puede acudir a la Autoridad de Control (www.aepd.es). INFORMACIÓN ADICIONAL: https://www.irec.cat/privacy-policy/ Acepto que se traten mis datos para atender la solicitud de información….

IREC’s corporate vídeo


Shaping Energy for a Sustainable Future https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZhX1tjq4Xks The Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) corporate video highlights IREC’s research efforts through three main pillars: Energy & Environment, Energy Storage and…

HyBCN Project Video


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzMo2sxrtkE The HyBCN project will develop an integrated system that converts water into green hydrogen, stores and produces renewable energy for on-demand use. Do you know the technology behind this?…

Meet the IREC family! (LipDub)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UM-EtSw3r3Y This video was shot at the IREC facilities in Sant Adrià de Besòs, Barcelona, during a working day. The spontaneous choreography of the researchers alternates with messages linked to…

NEXTGEN 2024 tanca amb èxit la seva 5a edició


…important, retornant després d’una pausa a causa de la pandèmia global de la COVID-19. NEXTGEN, conegut pel seu compromís en l’avanç del camp de la fotovoltaica d’alta eficiència i en…