Política de Cookies


…iPad y iPhone: Preferencias> Privacidad https://support.apple.com/kb/ph21411?locale=es_ES Opera: Configuración> Opciones> Avanzada> Cookies http://help.opera.com/Windows/12.00/es-ES/cookies.html Estos navegadores están sometidos a cambios o modificaciones, por lo que no podemos garantizar que se ajusten completamente…

Valorització de les dades de la IoT (FEM IoT)


…han estat finançades per iniciatives públiques, que han servit per dinamitzar la implantació de les plataformes IoT. Tal i com s’exposa a l’estratègia SMARTCAT, per poder arribar a complir els…

Joan Ramon Morante Lleonart


…​​advanced materials for energy at the Institute for Energy Research of Catalonia, IREC, and since the end of 2015 he has been director of this public research institute. https://www.irec.cat/ He…

Albert Tarancon Rubio


Summary Albert holds M.Sc. and PhD in Physics from the University of Barcelona (2001, 2007) and M. Eng. in Materials Science from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (2007). He worked…

ECOS SGR 2017-2019


The ECOS Research Unit (SGR) includes three IREC research groups: https://www.irec.cat/research/group/thermal-energy-and-building-performance/ https://www.irec.cat/research/group/power-systems/ https://www.irec.cat/research/group/energy-systems-analytics/…

IREC laboratories: Advanced Materials for Energy Unit


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcXPEmEaPJQ The Advanced Materials for Energy Unit at the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) develops novel materials, processes and prototypes to move towards renewable energy generation, storage and conversion…