IREC participation in the festival 10alamenos9, 2023 edition


…exhibition featuring newly developed interactive content. For more details about the program of this edition held in Barcelona, check the program here. Programa-festival-10alamenos9_CCPQDownload Another activity was the nanostory contest, an…

Final results and reflections from COBRA project


…Producing high-quality materials is becoming more challenging due to sustainability constraints. This is fine; we like challenges as battery researchers or engineers for a better environment. This is our job….

Nanoionics and Fuel Cells


…new families of all-solid state micro-energy sources able to harvest and store energy at the same time. Together with ambitious high-tech companies, we look for the viability of a new…

Legal Notice


…The provider is deeply committed to complying with the personal data protection regulations and guarantees full compliance with the obligations set forth as well as the implementation of the security…