
…on May 21, 2024. As the number of attendees might be limited, registration is selected by the scientific committee upon application. Conference registration is a 2-step procedure: Step 1: application…

Final results and reflections from COBRA project


…dependency of developments on each other. So, good organisation and communication are very important. In a similar way, this communication needs to be fluent and efficient with the Project Officer,…

Nanoionics and Fuel Cells


…transport combined with expertise in advanced manufacturing to develop new energy concepts from the microwatt to the kilowatt range. In the microwatt range, we develop miniaturized energy sources for powering…

Submit your paper to Materials-by April 2021


…have brought new architectures, morphologies, and advanced nanocomposites, while new materials compositions have also been tested. The aim of this Special Issue is to compile new results in the knowledge…

IREC laboratories: Advanced Materials for Energy Unit

multimedia The Advanced Materials for Energy Unit at the Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC) develops novel materials, processes and prototypes to move towards renewable energy generation, storage and conversion…