Towards advanced next generation Solid-State batteries for Electromobility Applications

Imatge ADVAGEN Project kick_off. Solid-State batteries for Electromobility Applications
  • Energy storage

ADVAGEN is a Horizon Europe funded project that stands for ” Development of ADVAnced next GENeration Solid-State batteries for Electromobility Applications”

The kick-off meeting of ADVAGEN project will be held in Brussels on the 12th and 13th September 2022.

ADVAGEN will develop a new lithium metal (LiM) battery cell technology based on a safe, reliable, and high performing hybrid solid-state electrolyte (LLZO-LPS based), gaining a competitive advantage over the worldwide (mainly Asian) competition. This will sustainably strengthen the EU European Union (EU) as a technological and manufacturing leader in batteries as specified in the ERTRAC electrification roadmap and SET-Plan Action Point-7.

ADVAGEN consortium contains key EU actors in the battery sector: industrial materials producers, battery manufacturer, R&D centres and automotive industry, covering the complete knowledge and value chain. By developing high-performance, affordable and safe batteries, ADVAGEN aims to re-establish European competitiveness in battery cell production.

The project has a total budget of about 8M€ and will run for 4 years. The consortium is formed by 14 European partners including ABEE (leader), IREC, POLITO or Toyota Motors Europe among other partners.

IREC contributes to the material development and interface optimization. IREC will be developing Ni-rich cathodes and will participate on the materials combination and definition of the final cell chemistry and on full cell validation in coin cell using different electrochemical techniques. IREC will lead the task of interfaces optimization and development of operando techniques. On the other hand, IREC will engage in the cell testing and safety assessment. IREC will cooperate in ageing tests and mechanisms and will lead the postmortem analysis of the batteries. These actions are led by Alex Morata from the Nanoionics and Fuel Cells group and Jordi Jacas from the Energy Storage, Harvesting and Catalysis group at IREC.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
