Mad for Science

Since 2022, we co-organize the Mad for Energy course (Bojos per l’Energia). This belongs to the Mad for Science programme of the Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera, a course driven by the Catalan Institute of Energy (ICAEN), with the collaboration of IREC. The course is aimed at 1st and 2nd year “batxillerat” students with a scientific vocation and interested in STEM careers. This course was created with the idea of introducing the multidisciplinary environment offered by IREC where different disciplines come together to solve all kind of problems, mainly related to the energy transition to a new clean energy model, distributed and with citizens at the center. The main objective of this course is to foster scientific vocations and promote the knowledge and education of excellence in energy of young people in Catalonia.

Registration for the Energy course of the Mad for Science programme will usually open mid September and close around mid October (link here). Among all applicants, ~20-25 students will be selected.

The course will be held on Saturdays from mid January to mid May at IREC (mainly) and ICAEN facilities.

During 15 theoretical and practical sessions students will get to know the world of energy. They will learn that the energy transition for the construction of a sustainable future will be based on renewable energy, storage and a responsible and optimal consumption of resources. From IREC research, we do research to improve how to produce renewable energy, such as photovoltaic or wind, or on how we save this energy for when we need it to heat our house or move our vehicles. We will learn what the digitization of energy is, in a world that will be increasingly interconnected. We are waiting for you!

The course will focused on the following areas:

  • How is energy produced?
  • How is energy stored?
  • How is energy distributed?
  • How do we consume energy?

Updated information of the course can be found here:

Specific goals

Academic studies

  • To promote among young people scientific vocations related to energy in particular and to technological research in general, as an object of study and as a tool for research.


  • Make students aware of the importance of energy in different areas of research, science and engineering.
  • Know the operation of research centers linked to energy.
  • Valuing multidisciplinarity and technology as necessary pieces for the progress of knowledge.


  • Engage students to be critical and value science in general.
  • Understand the difference between basic research and applied research in energy.

More information
Link to the program’s website:
Energy Course:
Course coordinator at IREC: Anna Magrasó

Course organized by