Chassagne, C.; Ibañez, M. "Hydrodynamic size and electrophoretic mobility of latex nanospheres in monovalent and divalent electrolytes" Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 440, pp. 208 - 216. 2014 DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2012.08.054
Fernandez, A.; Fan, J.; Cabot, A. "Highly crystalline hydrothermal ZnO nanowires as photoanodes in DSCs" International Journal of Nanotechnology 11, 42683, pp. 747 - 757. 2014 DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2014.063785
Herranz, T.; Ibañez, M.; de la Fuente, J. L.; Perez‐Alonso, F. J.; Peña, M. A.; Cabot, A.; Rojas, S. "In Situ Study of Ethanol Electrooxidation on Monodispersed Pt3Sn Nanoparticles" ChemElectroChem 1, 5, pp. 885 - 895. 2014 DOI: 10.1002/celc.201300254
Ortega, S.; Ibañez, M.; Cadavid, D.; Cabot, A. "Bottom-up processing of PbTe-PbS thermoelectric nanocomposites" International Journal of Nanotechnology 11, 42683, pp. 955 - 970. 2014 DOI: 10.1504/IJNT.2014.063802
Yu, X.; An, X.; Shavel, A.; Ibañez, M.; Cabot, A. "The effect of the Ga content on the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution of CuIn1-xGaxS2 nanocrystals" Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2, 31, pp. 12317 - 12322. 2014 DOI: 10.1039/c4ta01315h
Yu, X.; Shavel, A.; An, X.; Luo, Z.; Ibañez, M.; Cabot, A. "Cu2ZnSnS4-Pt and Cu2ZnSnS4-Au heterostructured nanoparticles for photocatalytic water splitting and pollutant degradation" Journal of the American Chemical Society 136, 26, pp. 9236 - 9239. 2014 DOI: 10.1021/ja502076b
Cadavid, D.; Ibañez, M.; Shavel, A.; DurA, O.J.; Lopez De La Torre, M.A.; Cabot, A. "Organic ligand displacement by metal salts to enhance nanoparticle functionality: Thermoelectric properties of Ag2Te" Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1, 15, pp. 4864 - 4870. 2013 DOI: 10.1039/c3ta01455j
Carrete, A.; Shavel, A.; Fontane, X.; Montserrat, J.; Fan, J.; Ibañez, M.; Saucedo, E.; Perez-Rodriguez, A.; Cabot, A. "Antimony-based ligand exchange to promote crystallization in spray-deposited Cu2ZnSnSe4 solar cells" Journal of the American Chemical Society 135, 43, pp. 15982 - 15985. 2013 DOI: 10.1021/ja4068639
Fan J., Hao Y., Cabot A., Johansson E.M.J., Boschloo G., Hagfeldt A. "Cobalt(II/III) redox electrolyte in ZnO nanowire-based dye-sensitized solar cells" ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 5, 6, pp. 1902 - 1906. 2013 DOI: 10.1021/am400042s
Fan, J.; Hao, Y.; Munuera, C.; Garcia-Hernandez, M.; Güell, F.; Johansson, E.M.J.; Boschloo, G.; Hagfeldt, A.; Cabot, A. "Influence of the annealing atmosphere on the performance of ZnO nanowire dye-sensitized solar cells" Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 32, pp. 16349 - 16356. 2013 DOI: 10.1021/jp405557b
Ibañez, M.; Cabot, A. "All Change for Nanocrystals" Science 340, 6135, pp. 935 - 936. 2013
Li, W.; Ibañez, M.; Zamani, R.R.; Garcia-Castello, N.; Gorsse, S.; Cadavid, D.; Prades, J.D.; Arbiol, J.; Cabot, A. "Cu2HgSnSe4 nanoparticles: Synthesis and thermoelectric properties" CrystEngComm 15, 44, pp. 8966 - 8971. 2013 DOI: 10.1039/c3ce41583j